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Practice management during COVID-19 pandemic

Note that any resources provided here are subject to change as new information becomes available. Therefore, please ensure that you are viewing the most recent version available on this webpage.


About this resource

The Dental Practice Closure During the COVID-19 Pandemic (Word) guide was first posted online on 23 April 2020 to assist general dental practice teams with a period of closure, upkeep of the practice during that closure and eventual re-opening of their practices during the COVID-19 Pandemic period only. This guide comprises a checklist of points to consider when practices are to be closed for an extended period. Two parts are included in this version:

  • Part A: Actions to consider at closure
  • Part B: Points to consider during practice closure

Part C about reopening is now available at part of the Practice Recovery Toolkit.

*Update: On 30 April 2020 the practice closure guide was updated with the addition of a new item to Part A section 1 on amalgam separators, and clarification of actions for maintenance of dental unit water lines and plumbing.  For convenience, changes are highlighted in the text.


The practice closure guide is based on equipment-specific advice received from manufacturers and suppliers. All of these resources have been developed by the SDCEP guidance development team in consultation with a range of experienced and expert dental professionals.

SDCEP gratefully acknowledges the wide range of colleagues who have participated in the development of these resources for their invaluable and rapid contributions.

Any feedback may be directed to

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