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Members of the SDCEP team also have key roles in the TRiaDS (Translation Research in a Dental Setting) Programme and the Scottish Dental Practice Based Research Network (SDPBRN) and the Quality Improvement in Practice Training (QIiPT) team.

TRiaDS is an international multidisciplinary collaboration of researchers conducting implementation research embedded within the SDCEP guidance development process. TRiaDS aims to create a generalisable evaluative knowledge translation framework that is readily transferable across national and international jurisdictions and professional disciplines.

Further information on the TRiaDS Programme.

The aim of the Scottish Dental PBRN (SDPBRN) is to promote the implementation of evidence-based practice in Scotland through the partnership and participation of all providers of primary dental care in the conduct of high quality research and the dissemination of the increasing body of evidence relevant to dental primary care.

Further information on SDPBRN.

The Quality Improvement in Practice Training (QIiPT) team provides in-practice training and education in Infection Prevention and Control and the Application of Quality Improvement for all members of the dental team. The training and education is aligned with national guidance and is delivered in a variety of formats.

Further information on QIiPT.

Partner programmes